Sunday 25 March 2012

What game do you prefer in your English class? GAME 1: Treasure Hunt

                Being an English teacher is not as easy as you think. How to be creative and innovative day by day are some factors to avoid the boredom of the students. Most of my classes start after their school time. They have been tired with their plenty of activities at school that makes them sometimes cannot concentrate while learning English in the class.

From my experiences, I think I need to give something to refresh them. Playing game is one of the best way to kill the boredom. Remember!! Learning in Game. It doesn't mean we cannot get anything in game. Game is not wrong but don't give it too often. Once in a month is enough to play game totally.

There are some games I have given to my students (Elementary to Intermediate) and this is my first post about  students' game activity.
1. Treasure Hunt
         Treasure hunt is my students' favourite game even from Primary to Intermediate. They like being around our course, searching some clues and solving them.

         There are some steps we should know before playing treasure hunt:
a. Divide the students into four groups. They have to be told that they have to find out the treasure (the treasure can be paper (colourful paper), some candies or your own idea.
b. Give them the first clue which they have to solve to get an envelope substanced grammar or vocabulary matters. If they can answer them, the teacher give a piece of paper which brings them to the next clue.
c. There are some clues to be solved and the teacher has to create them based on their area description. 
d. The clue can be picture puzzle, word puzzle and so forth and the quality must be adjusted with their level.
e. Use the area outside and inside to play so that they will be able to search high and low.
f. The English skill must be integrated including grammar, vocabulary, writing, description, or even general knowledge.
           I cannot tell you detaily here but if you are interested in it, I will send you the model via E - mail. Hope you can enjoy your time with your students


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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